Because Only Together We Can

We strive to rely completely upon the Spirit of God to call workers to His Harvest

Who We Are

1Gloowen is a partnership with churches, organizations, and individuals to facilitate outreach to Low German (LG) speaking people. Its primary mission is to prepare and coordinate the sending of workers into the spiritual harvest fields among the LG people throughout the world by networking with our partners.

1Gloowen acts as a bridge between the sending body and the mission workers.

What We Do


— We Serve

1Gloowen assists partnering churches and organizations in collaboratively equipping and sending men and women gifted in teaching, church planting, discipleship, community development & media communications.


— We Stratergies

A strategic initiative that maps Low German communities, sending workers into the neediest places. 1Gloowen collaboratively assists church ti quip and send workers into the mission field.


— We Partner

The 1Gloowen Network exists to partner with churches, organizations, and individuals to facilitate outreach to Low German (LG) speaking people.

Impact Stories

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The 1Gloowen Network exists to partner with churches, organizations, and individuals to facilitate outreach to Low German (LG) speaking people. Its primary mission is to prepare and coordinate the sending of workers into the spiritual harvest fields among LG people throughout the world by networking with our partners.